ICJW Letter re October 7th

ICJW Letter re October 7th

November 19, 2023 We, the Executive Committee of the International Council of Jewish Women, representing 34 affiliates worldwide, meeting in Panama City, strongly condemn the unprecedented torture and massacre of innocent civilians, including children and babies, and...
ALUMA with Gadi

ALUMA with Gadi

ALUMA with Gadi NCJWC is pleased to present a webinar showcasing the work that ALUMA, a non-profit counselling centre in Tel Aviv, does.  ALUMA is our Israel project.  Hear how a small portion of your national dues contributes to the good work they do and how much...
NCJWC’s Triennial Convention

NCJWC’s Triennial Convention

(NOTE: The official flyer can be viewed here)   NCJWC’s Triennial Convention November 16-18, 2019 Edmonton, Alberta NCJWC’s Triennial Convention will be held in Edmonton, Alberta beginning after Shabbat, Saturday November 16 and concluding mid-afternoon, Monday...
Irwin Cotler – Keynote Speaker, ICJW Annual Meeting

Irwin Cotler – Keynote Speaker, ICJW Annual Meeting

Irwin Cotler, Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, Professor Emeritus of Law at McGill University and former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada was the keynote speaker at the International Council of Jewish Women Spring Executive...
NCJWC’s Triennial Convention

Announcing our newest Section – Simcoe County Section

Announcing our newest Section – Simcoe County Section Such excitement for NCJWC! We have established a new section, the first new section to be established in Canada since the 1970s! A member of Toronto Section, Helen Silverstein, moved to the Innisfil area in Ontario...