As we enter 2024, I wish you all a very happy new year. Since October 7th, the situation has been tumultuous for all of us. Let us hope for peace to again come to Israel in the not too distant future.
As NCJWC begins its one hundred and twenty seventh year, we are committed to continued success in realizing our goals.
Our AGM in October 2023 solidified our direction forward, building on our accomplishments and recognizing new initiatives to further National’s role as a catalyst for change and growth. Our work is just beginning as we embark on a Strategic Directions Implementation Plan. Our Board and members are to be commended for their diligence in creating the fabric of this dynamic plan.
The National Board issued its 2023 Annual Report at the AGM. Our Sections through their innovative programming have forged partnerships with like – minded organizations bringing NCJWC to the forefront while addressing local needs.
Israel needs our support now more than ever! NCJWC established the Israel Emergency Campaign to support ALUMA, our long-time project and to realize our $5000 commitment to Eilat’s Yoseftal Medical Centre. With our additional support, ALUMA increased their number of therapists to meet the growing demand for trauma support to their clients. At Yoseftal Medical Centre, our contribution was used to create a Computer Centre in the children’s wing. This centre, originally designed for hospitalized children requiring specialized care, now will support an even larger number of children who are victims of the war. We express our gratitude to Glenda Cooper for initially spearheading the Games Day event, which garnered enthusiastic participation from all our Sections. Through your collective generosity and a generous contribution from The Miriam Fish Coven Foundation, we not only surpassed our goal but also continue to receive additional funds. Yashar Koach to all!
Following the success of the ‘Ageism in Medicine’ webinar presentation by Dr. Samir Sinha, a second program in our Ageism series will be presented by Dr. Allison Sekuler, a Cognitive Neuroscientist and the Managing Director of the Baycrest’s Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation, on the topic, “Defy Dementia!” on Wednesday June 5, 2024 at 2 p.m. EDT.
Debbie Wasserman VP, ICJW and myself as an affiliate President, attended the International Council of Jewish Women’s Regional Conference and Executive Meeting entitled, “The Challenges of Women in an Ever-Changing World’ in November. The sisterhood of Kol Shearith Congregation in Panama, an affiliate organization of ICJW, hosted our meetings. We were inspired by their ideas around Antisemitism, Ageism, and Human Trafficking and are bringing this information to NCJWC. A common thread through all of our discussions and presentations was the Israeli-Hamas war and how we as affiliate organizations can lend our support.
We are a dynamic organization with a voice for Jewish women across Canada. Thank you for your continued support and your commitment as we embark on our path into the future.
Linda Steinberg
President NCJWC