
This webinar took place on June 5th, 2024.

Women on the Front Lines Webinar Series

Linda Steinberg

WEBINAR 1: Israeli Women’s Voices: Stories from the Frontline

Robin Gofine, Executive Director of NCJWC Toronto, will interview Professor Tal Oron-Gilad, who will provide a firsthand perspective of what she and her family experienced on October 7th, and how this cataclysmic event has continued to impact her personally and professionally.

Professor Oron-Gilad is a full professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, the George Shrut Chair of Human Performance, and Vice Dean for the Engineering Sciences Faculty at Ben-Gurion University.


The webinar took place on Monday June 3, 2024
Linda Steinberg

WEBINAR 2: Antisemitism is rampant since October 7th. Dr. Joan Lurie discusses:
“What can we do at the UN and in the Diaspora to help?”

Dr. Joan Lurie is a member of the Executive Committee of ICJW and co-chair of the caucus of Jewish NGOs (JNGOs) at the UN in New York. Joan is also the VP of the newly formed NGO committee, “End Antisemitism and Promote Peace”

The webinar took place on September 19, 2024

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The National Council of Jewish Women of Canada Presents

Ageism in Medicine

with Dr. Samir Sinha, MD, DPhil, FRCPC, AGSF


Dr. Sinha poses this question to help explore what AGEism is and why it remains an active issue that negatively impacts the lives of individuals seeking medical care each day.

Through better understanding it and its negative impacts, we can all learn how to combat it at the individual, organizational and policy-making levels to help ensure Canada becomes the best place to age.

He is the Director of Geriatrics at Sinai Health System and the University Health Network in Toronto and a Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto and the Director of Health Policy Research at Toronto Metropolitan University’s National Institute on Ageing.

The National Council of Jewish Women of Canada Presents


NCJWC W2W Committee was asked by the Bangladesh Centre and Community Services to present a session on Antisemitism on March 20, 2023. This is a video of the presentation.
In keeping with our vision to eradicate antisemitism, we were so pleased that the Bangladesh community reached out to us.



Click this link to watch a recording of this program

Women and Justice Speaker Series

In September/October 2020 the NCJWC offered a set of four webinars presented by influential women who are experts in their field.

The NCJWC is thriled to share the recorded sessions here with you.

It’s long Past Time for Women to Achieve Justice and Equality

Linda Silver Dranoff CM, LSM

Estate Planning 101: The Importance of Understanding your Estate Plan

Marni Pernica BA, BSW, LLP. TEP

The Prosperity Project When Women Succeed, We all Prosper – Don’t Let COVID-19 hold us back

Pamela Jeffery

Women and Medical Leadership

Dr. Patricia Daly

Nasrin Sotoudeh has been unjustly imprisoned in Iran for over two years. The National Council of Jewish Women of Canada is partnering with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute to present this outstanding film of her life as part of an international effort to free her. The panelists for the Q&A include Professor Irwin Cotler, the movie’s producer and writer, and Ms Shaparak Shajarizadeh, an activist now living in Canada whom Nasrin helped to escape.

Click here to watch the panel discussion on YouTube.

From the Back of the Bus to the Front of the Agenda

Anat Hoffman


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ALUMA with Gadi

NCJWC is pleased to present a webinar showcasing the work that ALUMA, a non-profit counselling centre in Tel Aviv, does.  ALUMA is our Israel project.  Hear how a small portion of your national dues contributes to the good work they do and how much more help they need.

Call to action Nasreen Soutadeh

A compelling case was made for Mme Nasrin Sotoudeh by Professor Irwin Cotler, chair and founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, who described her illegal and inhumane imprisonment and ill-treatment in Iran.  His presentation was instrumental in the adoption of this initiative by the International Council of Jewish Women.

We urge members of the International Council of Jewish Women, in every affiliate country, to write to the UN Secretary General and to the UN Commissioner for Human Rights, protesting the treatment of Ms. Sotoudeh and urging her immediate release.

Read the call to action here.