Who We Are
National Council of Jewish Women of Canada (NCJWC), the first Jewish Women’s organization in Canada, is a volunteer organization that has been a catalyst for change since 1897, fighting to ensure the rights of women, children, and families, the disabled and new Canadians through service, education and social action.
NCJWC’s pioneering spirit continues to this day as it identifies the needs of women of diverse backgrounds and abilities and ensures that they have a voice by developing innovative programs to identify those needs. All who come to NCJWC share a belief that progressive ideals put into action can improve our community, our country and the world.
NCJWC is a place to nurture those ideals and put them into action. We are a unique bridge between the haves and have nots, between Jewish and secular cultures, between Canadian, Israeli and international initiatives. In our name you will find a proud history of more than a century of action and advocacy, of struggle and success in advancing social justice and human welfare. NCJWC stands alone in the “bridge” capacity. Since 1897, we have provided a forum for advocacy: our Canadian Jewish women speak and work for civil rights, women’s and children’s rights, public health, day care, education and programming for the elderly. The work of these Canadian women, these Council women have made a profound difference for people of diverse ages, races and religious backgrounds.
NCJWC is a member of International Council of Jewish Women (icjw.org). We advocate freedom, rights and betterment of women throughout the world through our work with non-governmental organizations at the United Nations. In Israel, we lobby on behalf of those women who are kept captive by unfair divorce laws (Agunot).
Linda Steinberg, Toronto, ON
National President – president@ncjwc.org
Debbie Wasserman, Toronto, ON
Immediate Past President
Sharon Allentuck, Winnipeg, MB
Honourary President
Helen Marr, Toronto, ON
Honourary President
Vice Presidents
Eva Karpati, Toronto, ON
Vice President
Naomi Kingston, Toronto, ON
Vice President, Communications
Monika Simon, Montreal, Que
Vice President
Other Board Members
Bianca Krimberg, Calgary, AB
Rebecca Asbell, Edmonton, AB
Sharon Allentuck, Winnipeg, MB
National Advisory Committee
Marjorie Blankstein, CM, Winnipeg, MB
National Advisory Committee
Roz Fine, Toronto, ON
National Advisory Committee
Helen Marr, Toronto, ON
National Advisory Committee
Dorothy Reitman, OM, Montreal, Que
National Advisory Committee
Section Presidents
Jordana Corenblum, Vancouver, BC
Vancouver Section, President
Leah Craven, Winnipeg, MB
Winnipeg Section, President
Sheila Neuburger, Toronto, ON
Toronto Section, President
Helen Silverstein, Simcoe County, ON
Simcoe County Section, President
Monika Simon, Montréal, Que
Montréal Section, President
Jodi Zabludowski, Edmonton, AB
Edmonton Section, President
Projects and Committee Chairs
Glenda Cooper, Toronto, ON
Ena Cord, Toronto, ON
Human Trafficking
Eva Karpati
Bianca Krimberg, Calgary, AB
Child Poverty
Dr. Cheryl Rockman Greenberg, advisor, Winnipeg, MB
Jewish Genetic Awareness
Monika Simon, Toronto, ON
Eva Karpati, Toronto, ON
Debbie Wasserman, Toronto, ON
Women 2 Women Countering Racism (W2W)
Irene Samuel Leadership Initiative